What is The Solution for Cleaning Kitchen Hood Exhaust Fan?

September 14, 2024

What is The Solution for Cleaning Kitchen Hood Exhaust Fan?

The exhaust fan is a part and parcel of our kitchen. However, it gets dirty and greasy very easily and you have to look for kitchen hood fan repair in Washington. In this context, we will discuss how you can clean exhaust fans all by yourself with some DIY solutions or you can also reach out to Allo Cleaning Services for the best service professionals.


Hood Fan Repair in Washington Without Removing It:

There are several ways to clean the kitchen hood exhaust fan of your kitchen without removing it. Some simple steps are discussed below for an effective and safe cleaning of exhaust fans.


  • Before starting to clean the exhaust fan, turn it off. Also, unplug the socket from the switchboard to ensure more safety.
  • Next, remove the filter from the fan by sliding it or popping it out.
  • Put the filter in warm water and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. Add some soap to the water for better cleaning.
  • Scrub the filter with a scrubber or sponge after it is properly soaked.
  • Once the filter is cleaned properly rinse it in running water, shake off excess water, and leave it somewhere to dry.
  • Next, clean the fan blades with soapy water and wet clothes. But make sure that water does not enter into the motor.
  • You can also use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dry dust, inside and outside of the fan.
  • Once cleaning is fine, rinse out the exterior with wet clothes and soap to remove grease and dust.
  • Finally, dry the parts, reassemble all the units, connect the socket, and turn on the fan to reuse it.


Kitchen Exhaust Hood Fan Repair Service


Hood Fan Repair Service Using Household Items:

To clean your kitchen exhaust fan there are some DIY solutions. For it, you can use some homemade cleaning aids. Nothing can be more satisfying if you can finish hood fan repair service at your home easily. Some solutions are given below to clean the kitchen exhaust fan.


  • Baking Soda and Vinegar Solution:

    • First, make a mixture with ⅓ baking soda and ¼ cup white vinegar to make a cleaning solution.
    • Clean Your exhaust fan blades, exhaust, and other parts with a wiper or sponge.
    • Let it soak with the soap for 10-15 minutes and wipe it out with a clean cloth.
    • Finally, Rinse the equipment with water and dry it before reusing it.


  • Dishwasher and Water:

    • Take warm water in a bowl and add dishwasher or mild soap to it.
    • Remove the filter, fan blades, and other tools from the exhaust fan and soak them in the soap water.
    • After 10-20 mins wipe out grease and dust from the equipment with wet clothes.
    • At last rinse it, dry it, and reinstall it into the exhaust fan.


  • Lemon and Salt Solution:

    • Cut the lemon into two pieces and sprinkle some salt on the cut surface of the lemon. Your scrubber is ready to scrub the fan blades and surface.
    • The acid present in lemon helps to get rid of the grease and leaves no oil behind.
    • Clean the equipment with wet clothes, rinse it, and dry them completely before reinserting them.


  • Ammonia and Water:

    • This solution is for hard grease and should be used if the previous methods do not work. Take diluted ammonia of ¼ cup in a gallon of water.
    • Soak the exhaust fan blades and filters in the solution and clean the surface with a sponge.
    • As the tools get soaked for a few minutes into the mixture, clean them and rinse them to reuse them.


Hood Fan Repair in Washington for Fan Grease:

Cleaning the kitchen hood exhaust fan is extremely necessary to keep the inner atmosphere of the house purified. For it, you don’t have to search for hood fan repair in Washington. You can do it yourself by dismantling the parts, cleaning it, and reinstalling it. For this, the items you need are:


  • Gloves.
  • Goggles.
  • Soap.
  • Baking Soda.
  • Vinegar.
  • Screw Driver.
  • Scrubber or Brush.
  • Sponge or Clean Clothes.
  • Water Pot and Warm Water.


The process of cleaning the kitchen hood exhaust fan is described below step by step:


  • Before starting the work, put on your hand gloves, and safety goggles for better protection.
  • Switch off the exhaust fan and turn off the socket from the electric board.
  • With the help of a screwdriver remove the filter of an exhaust fan to clean it. This is the most important part of the fan which also gets greasy.
  • Take warm water into the basin or in a big bowl and mix some mild soap or dishwasher into it.
  • Soak the filter into the warm water for 10-15 minutes.
  • As the filter gets soaked, it is easy to scrub away the grease from it with a brush. You can also use some baking soda at this stage for better cleaning.
  • Rinse the filter with clean water, and let it dry.
  • For better cleaning soak a clean cloth with the soapy water and wipe out the inner parts of the exhaust fan and blades with the help of it. A soft brush can also do the work.
  • Finally, take the filters after everything is properly clean and dry, reassemble the fan and all its parts together, and reuse it.


By following these simple steps you do not have to run behind the best hood fan repair in Washington. You can do it anytime you feel and the process is less expensive and rapid.


Appointment The Best Kitchen Hood Fan Repair in Washington for Service Professionals and be Tension Free:

The content discussed above deals with how you can enable hood fan repair service and cleaning at your home. The processes are safe, smooth, and efficient and don’t need much hustle and bustle.


However, if you do not feel confident about doing it yourself or if you are running short on time, you can reach out to Allo Cleaning Services where the professionals will do it on your behalf.


For this, you only have to search for the best hood fan repair in Washington. A dedicated team of professionals from Allo Cleaning Services can clean your exhaust fan with precision while you can enjoy a hassle-free cleaning service at your home.



As we have come to an end, hopefully, it is clear to you that cleaning exhaust fans is not a tough job. It can be a little hazardous at first, but with time you can be an expert at doing this. If not, cleaning professionals are also there at your service 24×7.


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